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Edit Signatures


Signatures is an ASCII file that is attached to every message that is sent. A signature file can be any size in length. Your signature will not show up in the editor, it is sent after the complete message is sent to the SMTP server.

Air Mail supports upto 10 signatures. You select the signature to send when you compose your message.


Load - Load a signature to edit.
Save As - Save the signature to a filename. Max. 15 characters.
Save Default - Save the signature as the default signature.
Cancel - Exit signatures

True Signature

True Signatures is specific to only Air Mail and it's the first on any platform. Its cool and its easy to setup. Basically True Signatures are signatures you design or sign by yourself in digital form. This is not PGP but rather a bitmap image. The example from above has a the True signature at the bottom of the message.

The signature you design must be 21 pixels high and can be any width. The signature is displayed at the bottom of your message. It is recommended that you design your signature in 8 colors or use Magic workbench coloring scheme. Signatures that are in 16 colors may no show up properly on less color workbench.

True Signature only works in WorkBench 3.1 and doesn't have any effect on Workbench 2.x and it only works with the internal editor.

Installing True Signature

When a user sends you his/her True Signature you will need to install it. Select 'Install Signature...' in the menu item. This will open the ASL file requester asking where the sigature file is located. Select the signature file to install by double clicking on the file or by selecting the file and then select OK button. True Signatures are stored in the Users/sigs directory.

Designing your True Signature

To design your own True Signature you will need to a paint program. Load the include template signature. You can make it as long as you like but you must remain to the restricted height. Your signature can be in any color and you can put what ever you like on there.

When you are done designing, copy your signature into a brush and save the brush to a file name. You must name your signature to your e-mail address ID and the extension must be .sig

eg: My e-mail address is toysoft@spots.ab.ca so I have to name my signature toysoft.sig

Generally use the user ID only and exclude the domain name.

Send your cool True Signature to all your friends. Remeber that True Signature ONLY works in Air Mail and Air Mail has it first!!

Last Updated May 25, 1997
HTML Docs by Danny Y. Wong & Frank L. Wong
Copyright © 1996-97 Toysoft Development Inc.
All rights reserved.